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Common Questions Addressed by Burton Family Attorneys, Ogden, Utah


Divorce is a complex and emotional journey that raises numerous questions and concerns. At Burton Family Attorneys in Ogden, Utah, we encounter various inquiries from individuals navigating this challenging process. Our commitment is to provide clear, compassionate, and comprehensive guidance. Below, we explore some of the most common questions during divorce consultations, offering insights to help you understand the path ahead.

Common Questions People Have for Divorce Lawyers 

How Do I Begin the Divorce Process?

Initiating a divorce begins with filing a petition for divorce in the state where you or your spouse resides. It’s crucial to understand Utah’s requirements, including grounds for divorce and residency stipulations. We recommend consulting with a divorce attorney to ensure your petition is correctly prepared and filed, setting a solid foundation for the proceedings.

What Are the Grounds for Divorce in Utah?

Utah recognizes both fault and no-fault grounds for divorce. A no-fault divorce typically cites irreconcilable differences, allowing couples to dissolve their marriage without assigning blame. Fault-based grounds include adultery, abandonment, cruelty, and substance abuse, among others. Deciding which path to pursue can significantly impact the divorce proceedings, a decision our attorneys can help you navigate.

How Is Child Custody Determined?

Child custody is one of the most sensitive aspects of divorce. In Utah, courts prioritize the child’s best interests, considering parental relationships, the child’s needs, and the parents’ capacity to provide care. Custody arrangements can be joint or sole, encompassing physical and legal custody. Our team is adept at advocating for custody arrangements that honor your child’s well-being and your parental rights.

Will I Have to Pay Child Support or Alimony?

Child support and alimony are determined based on various factors, including income levels, the child’s needs, and the duration of the marriage. Child support guidelines in Utah calculate payments to meet the child’s financial needs. Alimony considerations include the receiving spouse’s financial need and the paying spouse’s ability to pay, aiming for equitable financial support post-divorce. Burton Family Attorneys can help you understand these obligations and strive for fair resolutions.

How Is Property Divided in a Utah Divorce?

Utah follows equitable distribution laws, meaning marital property is divided reasonably, though not always equally. This includes assets acquired during the marriage, regardless of whose name is on the title. Determining a fair division involves evaluating each spouse’s contributions, economic circumstances, and future needs. Our attorneys have the expertise to navigate these complex evaluations, ensuring a balanced division of assets.

How Long Does a Divorce Take?

The duration of a divorce in Utah can vary widely, influenced by factors such as the case’s complexity, conflict between spouses, and the court’s schedule. An uncontested divorce may be resolved in weeks, while contested cases can take a year or more. Our goal at Burton Family Attorneys is to expedite the process while ensuring your interests are thoroughly represented.

Can I Modify a Divorce Decree?

Post-divorce, circumstances may change, necessitating child support, custody, or alimony modifications. Such modifications require demonstrating a substantial and material change in circumstances. Whether you seek to modify an order or contest a proposed change, our attorneys can provide the skilled representation needed to navigate this process.

At Burton Family Attorneys in Ogden, Utah, we understand the weight of the decisions and challenges you face during a divorce. Our team is dedicated to offering the legal support and guidance you need to navigate this difficult time with confidence and clarity. If you have more questions or need personalized advice, we invite you to reach out and schedule a consultation. Together, we can chart a path toward a new beginning. 
