
Modification Attorney Ogden, Utah


When a divorce or paternity decree is entered, the court orders reflect the general circumstances in place at that particular time. If a substantial change occurs in the years after entry of your divorce or paternity order, the court will allow you to file a petition and seek a modification of the terms of the order with a post-divorce modifications lawyer in Utah. This is a legally complicated matter which requires a skilled and knowledgeable family law attorney. Generally speaking, rulings of a court, including decrees of divorce and paternity, are the court’s orders until modified by the court or by agreement between the parties. Whether or not a party may request the court to modify its order depends greatly on changes in circumstances, if any, that may have taken place after the entry of the decree. 

How A Modification Attorney Can Help

Parties often seek relief from the court to modify court orders. Sometimes, both the parties seek the change to ratify something that is already taking place, such as a change in a parent-time schedule and wish to formalize the agreement they have. Other times, the parties are not in agreement and seek the court’s determination of whether the order should be modified and this is the best time to have a family lawyer on your side. Common areas of post-divorce modifications in Utah include:

Child Support

Modifications of court orders can sometimes be legally complex and hard to understand. Sometimes, the order will dictate if and how an order may be modified. Discussing and mediation between the parties is often a pre-requisite before a modification petition may be filed. A post-divorce modification lawyer in Utah can help you fully understand your rights.

Contact Us for Modification of Divorce Decree Located in Ogden, UT

Whatever the case may be, the facts and the law should be carefully weighed before a party decides to ask the court for a modification of a decree. At Burton Family Attorneys, we’ve handled countless modifications of divorce decrees in Utah. We have the experience to advise you on your modification issue so contact us and schedule a consultation today.