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Divorce or Counseling: Navigating the Crossroads of Marriage

Marriage, an intricate and evolving bond, often faces challenges that test its foundation. At Burton Law Firm, we understand the complexity of deciding between divorce and seeking marriage counseling when a relationship hits a rough patch. Exploring these options with clarity and guidance is essential to make informed decisions about the future of your relationship. […]

Tips to Avoid Fighting Via Text

Divorce can be a challenging time for both parties involved. It is important to remember that even though the relationship has ended, communication between you and your ex-spouse still needs to remain civil. Texting during this difficult period can often lead to heated arguments and more tension between you. Before hitting send on any messages […]

Tips on Being Happy After Ending a Relationship

Ending a relationship can be emotional and complex, but it is crucial to take the time to recover emotionally and heal. Here are some tips for emotional recovery after ending a relationship. Being single after a relationship ends can be a difficult and confusing time. You may feel lonely, sad, or even angry. But it […]

How to Financially Win in a Divorce

When it comes to divorce, the two most important factors are usually child custody and finances. Often, the deciding factor in who wins financially is who can best present their case to the court. Here are a few tips to help you stand a better chance of winning financially in a divorce: 1) Make a […]

Rediscover Your Joy After a Divorce

Most can expect divorce to take a toll on both physical and mental health, which is why all of us need to find ways to deal with stress and other overwhelming emotions when we are adjusting to a new life. The following strategies can help you cope with the crippling stress of divorce by allowing […]

Tips for Reducing the Stress from Divorce on Children

Divorce is a stressful process; however, some adults forget that it’s stressful for everyone involved, including your children. In most cases, children are left to deal with the repercussions of divorce by themselves. As a parent going through a divorce, it’s crucial to keep the following tips in mind to help your child transition into […]

5 Things to Consider Before Filing a Divorce

It’s not a surprise that many couples in Utah get divorced. However, if you are contemplating divorcing your partner, try not to jump the gun. There are several things you should keep in mind before you go on filing for a divorce. Here are five of the most important things to do before ending your […]

COVID’s Effect on Domestic Violence

One of the most common themes that the experts keep touching on when talking about Covid-19 stays home stay safe. While this may be true for most, this virus has brought many new stressors along with some unexpected risks for those in un-safe relationships. According to experts, this pandemic has increased the need for crisis […]

Tips for Effective Co-Parenting

Divorce can harm everyone involved, especially the children. A report by the Ottawa-based Vanier Institute of the Family found that kids who have lived through an ugly divorce are more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, and drop out of school. One strategy that can help reduce the likelihood of these adverse effects in the […]

Tips to Consider Before Becoming a Blended Family

Starting a blended family can prove to be a massive adjustment. Even though this could be an exciting time for you and your couple, it’s crucial to prepare for all potential challenges you may face in the future as you start sharing stressful responsibilities. Before you take your relationship to new heights by getting married […]