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How To Break The News About Divorce To Your Children

When dealing with the painful experience of divorce, keeping your children’s best interests at heart is critical. Here at the Burton Family Law Firm, we are not only expert attorneys in Utah, but we’re also committed to ensuring the wellbeing of your family throughout the process. With our in-depth understanding of Utah family law, we’ve […]

What are the Primary Concerns in Resolving Parenting Issues?

When it comes to resolving parenting issues, there are a few primary concerns that need to be taken into account. The first is the well-being of the child. This means that the child’s needs must be taken into account and given priority in any decisions that are made. Parents need to be able to work […]

Grounds for Divorce in Utah

(a) impotency of the respondent at the time of marriage; (Impotency of the respondent at the time of marriage means that there was a physical or mental condition that existed that prohibited the consummation of the marriage. Consummation is the first sexual intercourse between a married couple. Respondent is the partner whom the Divorce Complaint […]

Understanding a consultation with a family law attorney

Burton Law Firm Consultations Video Video Transcript  Question: What is the purpose of a consultation? Answer: There are several reasons for a consultation with an attorney.  First, it is an opportunity for you to get to know the attorney that you are going to be hiring.  Do you like this attorney?  Do you communicate well […]