What are the Primary Concerns in Resolving Parenting Issues?

When it comes to resolving parenting issues, there are a few primary concerns that need to be taken into account. The first is the well-being of the child. This means that the child’s needs must be taken into account and given priority in any decisions that are made. Parents need to be able to work […]

Do You Need Permission to Travel?

If you’re planning a family vacation for the summer, you may want to consult the time-sharing agreement to understand the availability for your children to travel. Sometimes, depending on your child custody arrangement, traveling with your children can be easy to schedule, however, most of the time it can be complicated to navigate through the […]

What Can I do if my Ex Won’t Let me see my kids?

When married couples legally divorce, and they have children, the court will establish a custody order.  This legal ruling will define visitation and parental rights. Apart from cases where the children are at risk of imminent harm, neither parent has a right to prevent the other one from seeing their children. Sometimes one parent will deny […]

Who Will Pay For Private School Tuition?

We all know that private school can be quite expensive and can be more so after a divorce. If your children are in private school, adding their tuition to the stress of divorce and less combined income can become quite overwhelming. For these reasons, it is common for parents to question how tuition payment will […]

Halloween: Holiday Parent-Time

Halloween has come, the falling leaves, pumpkin spice, and trick-or-treaters. With the fun also comes questions about custody during Halloween time for quality parent-time. However, the questions arise because, unfortunately, Halloween is treated differently than all of the other holidays included in Utah Code Ann. 30-3-35, which provides a default schedule for holiday parent-time. Almost […]

Parental Rights Termination FAQ

There are many responsibilities and rights to anyone who has a child. Parents have the obligatory responsibility to provide food, water, shelter, healthcare, and entertainment to their children. Education and religion are also important decisions that parents have the right to make for their children. These rights and responsibilities and how parents handle them are […]

What if Your Ex-Spouse Tries to Sabotage your Summer Plans?

It is not unheard of that one particular ex-spouse may be challenging to work with after a divorce and custody agreements have been made. Legal documents such as custody orders or parenting plans are designed to address information, so there is no confusion. Perhaps one partner feels they are getting the short end of the […]

How Does Domestic Violence Affect Child Custody?

Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that one in three women in Utah will experience domestic violence, compared to one in four nationwide. Domestic violence is a severe problem that more people than just the victims. Each state implements laws to protect children from violent parents, especially when custody is in […]

Successful Co-Parenting During the Holidays

Co-parenting presents many complicated issues. With the holiday season upon us, these complications become more apparent than other times of the year. Yes, parent time is typically set out in order of in the Divorce Decree. That said, many individuals seek concessions for special plans, events, or family gatherings during this time. Remember, if you […]

Temporary Parenting Plans are Important

In case you’re a parent who is petitioning for legal separation, it’s imperative to get a temporary parenting arrangement set up. Truth be told, an impermanent parenting plan is fundamental with regards to ensuring your inclinations and saving your privileges as a parent. What’s a Temporary Parenting Plan? Like other impermanent requests, Temporary Parenting Plan […]