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Divorce: Getting Started

  Burton Law Firm Consultations Video Video Transcript  Question: How do I get the divorce process started? Answer: Getting divorced can be overwhelming, so where do you start? I recommend that you sit down with yourself and ask what are your expectations? What are your goals? What do you want out of this divorce? Next, […]

Understanding a consultation with a family law attorney

Burton Law Firm Consultations Video Video Transcript  Question: What is the purpose of a consultation? Answer: There are several reasons for a consultation with an attorney.  First, it is an opportunity for you to get to know the attorney that you are going to be hiring.  Do you like this attorney?  Do you communicate well […]

Can text messages be used in my divorce case?

  Communication via text, social media, email and more can have a serious impact on your case. This video will give you several tips and things to be aware of when communicating with an opposing party. Video Transcript: Title: Can text messages be used in my divorce case? The danger of communication in your divorce […]

Things To Avoid When Co-Parenting

  Co-parenting can be a difficult undertaking. This video provides examples of what kind of behaviors to avoid in order to provide the best situation for you and your children. Video Transcript: Title: Things to avoid when co-parenting How to Stop the Cycle of Negative Co-Parenting Is your co-parenting beginning to feel like an impossible […]

How To Co-Parent Like A Super Hero

We know how tough co-parenting can be. This video will give you important tips to follow so that you can co-parent to the best of your ability. Video Transcript: Title: How to Co-Parent Like A Super Hero Be dependable with taking your parent time, but be ready to be flexible when necessary. Support your fellow […]

What do I do with my Decree?

This video outlines important steps to take once you have a divorce or custody decree. Video Transcript: Title: What do I do with my decree? So you have a decree, now what? Know it Read your decree often. Become familiar with the terms outlined in it and abide by them. Keep It Make sure you […]

What are Temporary Orders?

This video will help you to better understand the purpose of temporary orders and what to expect if you decide to pursue them. Video Transcript: Title: A Guide to Temporary Order What are Temporary Orders? How do I know if I need them? Often, your final orders take time, leaving you feeling confused and stranded […]