Tips on Being Happy After Ending a Relationship

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Do You Need Permission to Travel?

If you’re planning a family vacation for the summer, you may want to consult the time-sharing agreement to understand the availability for your children to travel. Sometimes, depending on your child custody arrangement, traveling with your children can be easy to schedule, however, most of the time it can be complicated to navigate through the […]

Impact of Divorce

Obviously, the impact of a divorce is devastating physically, mentally, financially, and perhaps spiritually depending on your religious conviction.  It is certainly not a decision that should be taken lightly.  These impacts are evident not only towards the divorcing couple but can also impact children, family members, friends, and loved ones. The impact of divorce […]

Marital Statistics in Utah

The recent pandemic has been difficult for most everyone, including married couples.  It has been widely discussed that the pandemic has caused a higher rate of divorce than typical.  In fact, the statistics have been quite sobering. Post COVID,  4 in 10 adults have reported additional anxiety and a depressive disorder. That said, there is […]

5 Tips to Prepare for Mediation

It’s a long and challenging road to decide to get a divorce, but once it happens, you will need a detailed plan to ensure a smooth transition to the next chapter of your life. You will find that mediation can help in more ways than one.  The goal of mediation is to reach an agreement […]

Differences in Divorce Actions

You never thought the day would come, but here you are facing the real-life decision of getting a divorce.  This is certainly not a decision thought should be made rashly, in the heat of the moment, or on a whim.  However, if after deliberative thought and careful reflection you have arrived at the conclusion that […]

How Long Does it Take to get Divorced?

Legal actions move much slower than you would anticipate, especially in light of the backlog courts are experiencing due to COVID-19. Have patience and understanding with your lawyer. They, too, want to have your case progress as timely as possible. Unfortunately, they are at the mercy of many different factors. Just how long will it […]

How to decide a Divorce is the Right Choice?

It is often difficult to decide whether a relationship is truly over. Perhaps you have a relationship filled with problems and fighting. The sheer number of issues can make it seem impossible to ever get things back on track with your partner. In other cases, maybe there are just a few issues, but they have […]

How a Bad Marriage can Effect Children

Many parents hold a common misconception that their children will always fare better if they stay together. Divorce is never easy, but avoiding it to keep a “happy family” together is not necessarily a wise choice. Children respond to their environment in ways that are different from adults. They are not as likely to understand […]

Common “Last Straws” in Marriage

When we think of a “last straw” in marriage we tend to think of some giant issue or uncovered truth where it is impossible to come back from.  Hollywood has programmed us to think of images of someone cheating or hiding large sums of money from their spouse.  While it is true that these situations […]