Can You Take A Vacation with Your Child After A Divorce?

Vacations are wonderful opportunities for bonding, creating memories, and exploring new horizons with your child. However, when divorced or separated parents plan to travel with their child, it’s essential to consider child custody arrangements and legal implications. At Burton Law Firm, we understand the nuances involved in managing child custody during vacation planning and offer […]

Divorce or Counseling: Navigating the Crossroads of Marriage

Marriage, an intricate and evolving bond, often faces challenges that test its foundation. At Burton Law Firm, we understand the complexity of deciding between divorce and seeking marriage counseling when a relationship hits a rough patch. Exploring these options with clarity and guidance is essential to make informed decisions about the future of your relationship. […]

Empowering Steps to File for Divorce in an Abusive Relationship

Divorce is already a challenging process, and navigating it while in an abusive relationship can be even more daunting. At Burton Law Firm, we recognize the sensitivity and urgency of such situations. Here are crucial steps and considerations to help individuals stuck in abusive relationships initiate the divorce process safely and strategically. Safety First: Prioritize […]

What are the Primary Concerns in Resolving Parenting Issues?

When it comes to resolving parenting issues, there are a few primary concerns that need to be taken into account. The first is the well-being of the child. This means that the child’s needs must be taken into account and given priority in any decisions that are made. Parents need to be able to work […]

How to Financially Win in a Divorce

When it comes to divorce, the two most important factors are usually child custody and finances. Often, the deciding factor in who wins financially is who can best present their case to the court. Here are a few tips to help you stand a better chance of winning financially in a divorce: 1) Make a […]

What to Expect from an Initial Consultation

No matter how you decided to seek the help and guidance of a family law attorney, it’s completely common to feel nervous and lost. You will definitely have many questions and concerns for your lawyer. You may even start feeling overwhelmed. Feeling 100% comfortable with your attorney is the first step to making the process […]

Does a DIY Divorce Actually Save Money?

Most Utahns think they can save a lot of money if they represent themselves in court instead of hiring an expert divorce attorney. On paper, it’s true. However, it is likely that a DIY divorce will end up costing more in the long run. Below are some reasons why you would spend more money on […]

Divorce: To DIY or Not to DIY?

If you are entering a divorce, it may feel quite overwhelming, especially if you take into account the cost of a divorce. Sometimes, the idea of filing for a divorce on your own sounds promising and affordable. However, this isn’t always the case, as a DIY (“Do It Yourself”) divorce could end up costing you […]

Do You Need Permission to Travel?

If you’re planning a family vacation for the summer, you may want to consult the time-sharing agreement to understand the availability for your children to travel. Sometimes, depending on your child custody arrangement, traveling with your children can be easy to schedule, however, most of the time it can be complicated to navigate through the […]

Impact of Divorce

Obviously, the impact of a divorce is devastating physically, mentally, financially, and perhaps spiritually depending on your religious conviction.  It is certainly not a decision that should be taken lightly.  These impacts are evident not only towards the divorcing couple but can also impact children, family members, friends, and loved ones. The impact of divorce […]