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Impact of Divorce

Obviously, the impact of a divorce is devastating physically, mentally, financially, and perhaps spiritually depending on your religious conviction.  It is certainly not a decision that should be taken lightly.  These impacts are evident not only towards the divorcing couple but can also impact children, family members, friends, and loved ones. The impact of divorce […]

Marital Statistics in Utah

The recent pandemic has been difficult for most everyone, including married couples.  It has been widely discussed that the pandemic has caused a higher rate of divorce than typical.  In fact, the statistics have been quite sobering. Post COVID,  4 in 10 adults have reported additional anxiety and a depressive disorder. That said, there is […]

January: The Beginning of Divorce Season

With the end of the holiday season, we enter the beginning of a new one – the season of divorce. January, The Divorce Month January has been widely considered the “divorce month” due to the consistent divorce filings every first Monday of the year (“Divorce Monday”). Lasting until early March, we can experience over a […]

Advice for Teenagers Going Through A Divorce

Parents struggle during the divorce process; however, not much advice is given to the teenagers and children going along with it. Our attorneys at Burton Law find it essential to give children any means to cope with this process, that at the end of the day, they did not ask for. Below are some suggestions […]

4 Strategies to Cope with a Divorce

Divorce is an experience that has its ups and downs. However, there’s no reason to dwell in a rollercoaster of negative emotions throughout the break-up. Our attorneys at Best Utah Attorneys have compiled a list of strategies you can use to protect your feelings and yourself.  Prioritize Self-Care Self-care is one of the essential parts […]

Can I Divorce My Ex if I Cannot Find Them?

The way a relationship ends can often be as unique as to how it started. Depending on the people and the situation, separated couples can remain friends. In other cases, both parties try to avoid one another and pretend that person no longer exists. Have you ever felt the uncomfortable feeling when you go out […]

COVID’s Effect on Domestic Violence

One of the most common themes that the experts keep touching on when talking about Covid-19 stays home stay safe. While this may be true for most, this virus has brought many new stressors along with some unexpected risks for those in un-safe relationships. According to experts, this pandemic has increased the need for crisis […]

Tips for Effective Co-Parenting

Divorce can harm everyone involved, especially the children. A report by the Ottawa-based Vanier Institute of the Family found that kids who have lived through an ugly divorce are more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, and drop out of school. One strategy that can help reduce the likelihood of these adverse effects in the […]

How a Bad Marriage can Effect Children

Many parents hold a common misconception that their children will always fare better if they stay together. Divorce is never easy, but avoiding it to keep a “happy family” together is not necessarily a wise choice. Children respond to their environment in ways that are different from adults. They are not as likely to understand […]