One of the most common themes that the experts keep touching on when talking about Covid-19 stays home stay safe. While this may be true for most, this virus has brought many new stressors along with some unexpected risks for those in un-safe relationships. According to experts, this pandemic has increased the need for crisis intervention, shelter, and counseling services for survivors. 

Let us dive deeper into the effects Covid-19 is having on the victims of domestic violence. 

Isolation — With the pandemic came increases isolation and face masks. Both of these factors make it even more difficult for others to see the red flag warning signs that a loved one or neighbor is suffering from abuse. The isolation is also complicating those survivors who are in counseling. The new online format of counseling requires the patient to find a safe, private and secure area where they can video call with the counselor; this is much more difficult now that everyone is home 247. 

External Stressors

With the holiday season quickly approaching, many experts are worried that the extra stress that comes with it may harm abusers. Stress and feeling like they are losing control are 2 of the significant factors affecting abusers. The loss of control is hazardous as we return to regular work and school schedules; the abuse behind closed doors will begin to reveal itself. 


If you or someone you know is suffering from domestic violence, here are a few resources for you to contact for help:

— Utah Domestic Violence Coalition hotline can be reached 24/7 at 1-800-897-LINK (5465)

— The National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233

— For a list of local domestic violence shelters can be found at   

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