Marital Statistics in Utah
The recent pandemic has been difficult for most everyone, including married couples. It has been widely discussed that the pandemic has caused a higher rate of divorce than typical. In fact, the statistics have been quite sobering. Post COVID, 4 in 10 adults have reported additional anxiety and a depressive disorder. That said, there is […]
Dividing the home in a divorce
When a couple seeks a divorce there are usually two items that are the most concerning for people. The first is if children are involved in the relationship. Typically parents are concerned with parental right issues regarding where the children will primarily live and how visitation will be established. The second-largest concern is in regard to the […]
What can I do if my spouse hid marital assets?
Family courts are here to help pick up the pieces after a marriage has ended. Although it is usually difficult, the goal is to mitigate the impact a divorce has on the lives of those affected. For this to happen, marital assets and debts must be evenly distributed. We would like to believe that both parties are […]