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The Value of Compromise During Divorce

I won’t sugarcoat it, divorce is hard. It is driven by emotion which makes it a draining process for most individuals. From the realization that your marriage is over to possibly numerous court proceedings, divorce can often bring out the worst. The process can be time consuming and expensive. If you want to save yourself the […]

Coping with Divorce During the Holidays

Are you going through a divorce? If so, getting through the holiday season may be a challenge, as memories of happier times can consume your thoughts. Family and friends may be eagerly anticipating the festivities while you, on the other hand, may be wondering how you can celebrate anything this holiday season. So how can you […]

Who Gets Our Friends in the Divorce?

Throughout your marriage, you have most likely made friends along the way. You may have spent time with other couples and grown close to them over the years. So what happens to those relationships now that you are divorced? Who is “awarded” your friends? Common Reactions by Friends In many cases, nothing will change, your […]

Maintaining Dignity During a Divorce

Sometimes the fault of a failed marriage may fall more on one party than the other. Though it may be tempting to explain to others the cause for your divorce, it simply isn’t necessary. None of Your Business! It isn’t anyone’s business to know what led you and your spouse to divorce. You don’t have to reveal […]