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What do I do with my Decree?

This video outlines important steps to take once you have a divorce or custody decree. Video Transcript: Title: What do I do with my decree? So you have a decree, now what? Know it Read your decree often. Become familiar with the terms outlined in it and abide by them. Keep It Make sure you […]

New Year = New Decree

With a fresh year approaching you are probably considering many resolutions. If one of those goals is a modification to your decree, we can help. People feel the need to modify their decree for many different reasons, here are a few examples: You or your ex have had a significant change in income. You or your […]

Christmas Parent Time (Fa-la-la-la following your decree)

The Christmas holiday is fast approaching, which means you may be wondering about your visitation over the Christmas break. As with most holidays, Christmas can be a time with strain over who has the children. Always refer to your decree for your visitation schedule, read it often and become familiar with what it says. If you […]

Help! My Ex Isn’t Following Our Decree!

If your ex isn’t following what is outlined in a decree or court order, they may be found in contempt. If a former spouse isn’t abiding by financial orders, you may be awarded a judgment, upon which you can execute assets of the non-complying individual. Take Steps Before Taking it to Court Although it can be […]