
Grounds for Divorce in Utah

(a) impotency of the respondent at the time of marriage; (Impotency of the respondent at the time of marriage means that there was a physical or mental condition that existed that prohibited the consummation of the marriage. Consummation is the first sexual intercourse between a married couple. Respondent is the partner whom the Divorce Complaint […]

Family Law 101

The term family law is loosely thrown around on the internet, in the legal field, and by individuals.  Just what does the term family law mean, and what areas of law it is comprised of? The term family law, according to www.findlaw.com, is defined as: Family law is a legal practice area that focuses on issues involving family relationships, […]

How Does Domestic Violence Affect Child Custody?

Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that one in three women in Utah will experience domestic violence, compared to one in four nationwide. Domestic violence is a severe problem that more people than just the victims. Each state implements laws to protect children from violent parents, especially when custody is in […]

Educating Your Children About Divorce

Between filing, obtaining an attorney, dividing assets, arranging shared custody, and all the usual encumbrances of divorce, you may find it easy not to have the energy to think about explaining this process to your children. We get it; you’re still probably trying to sort out your own emotions. Never the less, your children need […]

When To Seek Second Opinions for your Divorce Case

Doctors and attorneys are both professionals that share many things in common.  Perhaps most relatable of all is that most people do not enjoy talking to either one, and will avoid it if possible.  This must be due to the negative connotations that accompany speaking either one.  Only sick people need doctors, and only people […]

Grandparent Visitation Rights

The relationship between grandparents and grandchild can be one of happiness, generosity, respect, and joy. However, sometimes events such as a parent’s death or divorce can alter relationships. After an event like this, the child’s parent can block any further contact with grandparents, who may in turn take legal action to maintain contact. As scenarios […]

Tips to Consider Before Becoming a Blended Family

Starting a blended family can prove to be a massive adjustment. Even though this could be an exciting time for you and your couple, it’s crucial to prepare for all potential challenges you may face in the future as you start sharing stressful responsibilities. Before you take your relationship to new heights by getting married […]

Spending Time Together as a Family

Have you heard of the series of little skits entitled SGN (Some Good News) done by actor John Krasinski (Jim from The Office)?  John Krasinski felt the world needs some good vibes during this difficult time, and we tend to agree.  Consequently,  this article is not going to address the increased divorce rate or domestic […]

How is Child Support Calculated in Utah?

Divorce can be such a traumatic time for a family, especially when children are involved.  In an effort to help lessen this impact, both parents will want to consider what is best for their children and consider ways to help minimize change to the schedule, lifestyle, and habits.  One consideration is child support.  How is […]

Temporary Parenting Plans are Important

In case you’re a parent who is petitioning for legal separation, it’s imperative to get a temporary parenting arrangement set up. Truth be told, an impermanent parenting plan is fundamental with regards to ensuring your inclinations and saving your privileges as a parent. What’s a Temporary Parenting Plan? Like other impermanent requests, Temporary Parenting Plan […]