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How Social Media Relates to Divorce

Social media has changed the manner in which people throughout the world are connecting with each other.  With a few clicks of a mouse, we can be chatting with someone who is in another country but shares similar interests together.  Some people find great benefit in this new technology, while others have found that it […]

Things to consider before you share on social media

We all rely on social media, texting and emails for various reasons.  For some, it is a great way to stay in contact with friends and family.  For others social media provides connectivity to make new business connections.  Regardless of why you use online communications, one thing is clear.  If you are going through a […]

Considering a Divorce? Watch Your Communication!

In the Information Age we do everything on our smartphones and computers—from shopping and getting directions to communicating almost 24/7 with our friends, family members, and spouses. With all this constant communication, it’s important to remember that things like text messages and emails can become a permanent part of your divorce case. As a result, […]