How To Break The News About Divorce To Your Children

When dealing with the painful experience of divorce, keeping your children’s best interests at heart is critical. Here at the Burton Family Law Firm, we are not only expert attorneys in Utah, but we’re also committed to ensuring the wellbeing of your family throughout the process. With our in-depth understanding of Utah family law, we’ve […]

Getting Divorced: How to Break the News to Your Parents

If divorce is the right choice for you, there may be a number of difficult conversations you will need to have. Most people immediately think of the dreaded talk with their children, but an often overlooked conversation is approaching this topic with parents. Everyone will have a different approach: perhaps your parents have been happily married for years, […]

We’re Rooting for You

At Burton Attorneys at Law, we have chosen to focus on only family-related matters. Although we have chosen this area of practice and excel at it, we have been asked: “Why family law?” We find joy in helping our clients with their family law matters. We feel a sense of accomplishment in helping people through some […]

Couples Are To Be Cautious Of Online Divorce Programs

You probably know at least one couple that met online, but do you know any couples that got their divorce online?  It may sound strange, but a new program called Wevorce is attempting to corner the divorce market by offering a simplified online divorce solution that is cheaper than the in-person process. According to the […]

Common Reasons Why Couples Seek a Divorce

A study by an independent family therapy counselor found that poor lifestyle and financial planning were two main reasons that couples seeking a divorce. The study polled both married and divorced couples in hopes of pinpointing the biggest factors that lead to marital dissatisfaction and divorce. Marital Dissatisfaction Simply having an in-depth discussion about important […]

Mothers Are Becoming Primary Breadwinners

Parents face many decisions regarding what is best for their children. One such decision is who will be the child’s primary caregiver. Many families traditionally choose to have the mother of the family stay home while the father pursues a professional career. Recently, more families have been choosing to put their children in daycare so […]

Consider A Postnuptial Agreement

A rising trend in the nation is the postnuptial agreement. Unlike a prenuptial agreement, which most people are ­­­familiar with, a postnuptial agreement is configured and signed after marriage. Like a prenuptial agreement, a postnuptial outlines how assets will be divided if the couple decides to divorce. Generally, postnuptial agreements are created by couples who plan […]