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How To Break The News About Divorce To Your Children

When dealing with the painful experience of divorce, keeping your children’s best interests at heart is critical. Here at the Burton Family Law Firm, we are not only expert attorneys in Utah, but we’re also committed to ensuring the wellbeing of your family throughout the process. With our in-depth understanding of Utah family law, we’ve […]

How Divorced Parents Plan Summer Vacations

Summertime is an excellent opportunity for parents to reconnect with their children – if only they could agree on activities and vacations! With the divorce rate in America still hovering around 50%, many families with young children face this challenge. Parents must work together to reach an agreement that works best for everyone involved when […]

What Can I do if my Ex Won’t Let me see my kids?

When married couples legally divorce, and they have children, the court will establish a custody order.  This legal ruling will define visitation and parental rights. Apart from cases where the children are at risk of imminent harm, neither parent has a right to prevent the other one from seeing their children. Sometimes one parent will deny […]

What Happens to My Children Should I Pass Away?

In hearing of the recent, horrific accidents that have occurred on Utah’s roadways during the last couple of weeks, my heart is heavy for the victims, their families, and loved ones left behind. So many lives were lost too early, some leaving children behind without parents. That brought to mind an important topic I would […]

What if Your Ex-Spouse Tries to Sabotage your Summer Plans?

It is not unheard of that one particular ex-spouse may be challenging to work with after a divorce and custody agreements have been made. Legal documents such as custody orders or parenting plans are designed to address information, so there is no confusion. Perhaps one partner feels they are getting the short end of the […]

How Does Domestic Violence Affect Child Custody?

Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that one in three women in Utah will experience domestic violence, compared to one in four nationwide. Domestic violence is a severe problem that more people than just the victims. Each state implements laws to protect children from violent parents, especially when custody is in […]

Tips for Reducing the Stress from Divorce on Children

Divorce is a stressful process; however, some adults forget that it’s stressful for everyone involved, including your children. In most cases, children are left to deal with the repercussions of divorce by themselves. As a parent going through a divorce, it’s crucial to keep the following tips in mind to help your child transition into […]

Educating Your Children About Divorce

Between filing, obtaining an attorney, dividing assets, arranging shared custody, and all the usual encumbrances of divorce, you may find it easy not to have the energy to think about explaining this process to your children. We get it; you’re still probably trying to sort out your own emotions. Never the less, your children need […]

Should I Adopt My Stepchildren?

As culture changes, so will society and what an American family looks like in 2020. Divorce has become more common, understood, and accepted by communities. Fortunately, this means the shame and stigma that accompanied a marriage ending is no longer relevant. People are finding themselves free to leave bad relationships and explore new ways to find […]

Temporary Parenting Plans are Important

In case you’re a parent who is petitioning for legal separation, it’s imperative to get a temporary parenting arrangement set up. Truth be told, an impermanent parenting plan is fundamental with regards to ensuring your inclinations and saving your privileges as a parent. What’s a Temporary Parenting Plan? Like other impermanent requests, Temporary Parenting Plan […]