Ending a marriage is rarely a walk in the park. Even if you are looking forward to finalizing a lousy relationship and moving on with your life, divorces can be stressful. With that being established, couples, how they act, and their ability or inability to work together is among the largest factors that either enable or prevent a smooth divorce process. Mediation is a viable option for those fortunate enough to have an uncontested divorce or a situation where a separating couple can see eye to eye. 

 Divorce mediation is often preferable to traditional divorce litigation for a variety of reasons. In most cases, this includes saving money, speeding up the process, and having more control over agreements and outcomes. Picture the difference between family courts deciding what will happen versus having a sit-down meeting to mutually beneficial deals on the terms of the divorce.  

As we said above, this is not always a viable option and primarily has to do with how willing separating people is to make agreements and fairly divide marital assets. Below are some ways that individuals can unintentionally or intentionally sabotage their divorce mediation.  

  • Failing to appreciate the benefits mediation can bring to the table as opposed to traditional divorce litigation. This includes approaching the mediation with an attitude focused on winning instead of coming to a fair compromise.  
  • Using children, favorite items, or other triggers to seek leverage or use these things against your ex-spouse. Remember, mediation is about avoiding a knock-down-drag-out battle, not to help facilitate one.  
  • Attempting to hide assets or property or failing to disclose these items fully. This can include separate bank accounts or property that could have been purchased and stored without both parties’ knowledge.  
  • Being untruthful or dishonest about various issues. This can include making statements designed to make the other party look bad. For example, someone making false accusations regarding substance abuse, alcoholism, infidelity, or other painful issues about the other party.  

Making a Divorce Easier 

Many steps need to take place to have a successful divorce mediation. This includes gathering all pertinent information, such as financial disclosures and bank statements. Another step is establishing a general idea of what you want to achieve through the mediation process. The terms of a mediation ultimately come down to what you and your ex-spouse will agree upon. With that said, many people find an enormous benefit in having a divorce attorney on their side. If you would like to learn more about how a divorce attorney can help you, please contact the Utah family attorneys at Burton Law Firm today.  

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