
What Is a “Simple” Utah Divorce?

Often potential clients call and think they just need a quick appointment to understand the basic process of divorce. Phrases like “it’s a simple divorce”, “I don’t want this to go to court, we’ll just keep it civil” and “this should be an easy case” are spoken all too often during initial appointments. Often, parties believe […]

Should I Hire a Divorce Attorney or Do It Myself?

It seems that often people wrestle with themselves over the decision of whether or not to hire an attorney. While I will outline some of my thoughts on this frequently asked question, the baseline is clear: HIRE AN ATTORNEY. DIY Divorce Can Turn Into $$$ While there are online court assistance programs to aid in filing for […]

Getting Divorced: How to Break the News to Your Parents

If divorce is the right choice for you, there may be a number of difficult conversations you will need to have. Most people immediately think of the dreaded talk with their children, but an often overlooked conversation is approaching this topic with parents. Everyone will have a different approach: perhaps your parents have been happily married for years, […]

How to Find the Right Utah Divorce Attorney

At the first sign of divorce, you may not know where to begin. If you have made up your mind to initiate the divorce, it can be difficult to know what attorney will be the best fit for your case. If you were served with a divorce action, deadlines can add extra pressure to the mix. […]

The Burton Law Firm Success Rate

It’s not uncommon for a client or potential client to ask what our firm’s success rate is. While this isn’t an obscure question, it can be a difficult one to answer. Some areas of law lend more to a discussion of wins and losses, i.e. criminal law or contract law. In family law, on the other […]

The Value of Compromise During Divorce

I won’t sugarcoat it, divorce is hard. It is driven by emotion which makes it a draining process for most individuals. From the realization that your marriage is over to possibly numerous court proceedings, divorce can often bring out the worst. The process can be time consuming and expensive. If you want to save yourself the […]

Am I Ready for Divorce?

There are many positions you can take in divorce, depending on your initial situation. According to an article by Bruce Derman, Ph.D. and Wendy Gregson, LMFT, there are three dilemmas that most people face when then find themselves headed toward divorce. 1. “I want the divorce, but I am not sure if it is the right decision.” […]

How to Derail Your Attorney (part 4 of 4)

In the three previous articles we discussed ways you can derail your attorney on your case. In this article we will do an overview of the three articles and summarize the areas that have proven to be detrimental to your case and can quickly derail your attorney. SUMMING IT UP: 1. Misrepresentation It’s important to […]

How to Derail Your Attorney (part 3 of 4)

Continuing our 4-part series, the following are some ways you can quickly derail your attorney from effectively representing you and your interests. 5. Unrealistic Expectations Your attorney is there to fight for you and your best interests, but that doesn’t always mean you are sure to win everything. No family law matter is a guarantee, so although your […]

How to Derail Your Attorney (part 2 of 4)

The following are some more ways you can quickly derail your attorney from effectively representing you and your interests. 3. Delay When it comes to family law, delaying is rarely beneficial to your case. In fact, in some instances it can hurt your case. If you drag your feet or become unresponsive, your case can become stalled. […]