
Utah Parent Time Statutes. What Determines Your Parent Time After a Divorce?

Usually the most difficult issues to deal with during a divorce are those surrounding your children. While both parents want what’s best for their children, having to split time and parent duties can be challenging. There are several strategies and resources for dealing with these issues as they come up during divorce, and it’s important […]

How long does a divorce take? Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce

When you decide that your marriage is no longer working and it’s time to get a divorce, you may be anxious to get the process over with. In the state of Utah, there are laws that determine how long your divorce will take, except for special circumstances, there’s no way to get around these timetables. […]

Considering a Divorce? Watch Your Communication!

In the Information Age we do everything on our smartphones and computers—from shopping and getting directions to communicating almost 24/7 with our friends, family members, and spouses. With all this constant communication, it’s important to remember that things like text messages and emails can become a permanent part of your divorce case. As a result, […]

Setting the Record Straight: Important Factors to Consider in Divorce

Filing for divorce involves the through deliberation and careful consideration of different factors, including child custody and spousal support. Surprisingly, many couples are still in the dark when it comes to this matter, and some of them are being misled by misinformation. At Burton Law Firm, we believe that being informed is the key to a […]

Ogden Divorce Attorney Offers Post-Divorce Modification Services

Ogden, Utah (July 25, 2013) – Noted Ogden divorce attorney Kenneth W. Burton of Burton Law Firm is offering post-divorce modification services to help clients amend a previous settlement. In doing so, the practice ensures that the best interests of their clients continue to be met, even as changing circumstances in the life of either divorced party […]

Utah Family Law Practice Offers Assistance in Paternity Disputes

Ogden, Utah (July 25, 2013) – Burton Law Firm, a trusted Utah family law practice, is offering to uphold the rights of fathers by assisting them in paternity disputes. By providing the service, they aim to guide their clients and help them overcome the complexities of paternal issues. After having moved on from a previous relationship, […]

Burton Law Firm Shares Information on How Utah Custody Laws Work

Ogden, Utah (July 25, 2013) – Burton Law Firm is sharing information on how Utah custody laws work for the benefit of parents seeking to win custody of their children. Highly regarded for their dedication to family law, the firm explains the factors that affect a court’s decision on who may raise or decide for a child. […]

Burton Law Firm Offers Legal Assistance in Utah Child Support Issues

Ogden, Utah (July 25, 2013) – Burton Law Firm is providing legal counsel and representation for people facing Utah child support issues. These issues include financial assistance and child support modification. After a divorce or separation, it is the legal responsibility of an estranged parent to provide financial support to his or her child. Utah law […]

Utah Divorce Lawyers Help Clients Get Fair Spousal Support Settlements

Ogden, Utah (July 24, 2013) – The family law attorneys at Burton Law Firm are helping clients get fair spousal support settlements in Utah divorce cases. They provide personalized legal counsel and representation throughout the complex process. Under the law, a person may be obligated to provide financial support, or alimony, to his or her spouse […]

Couples Are To Be Cautious Of Online Divorce Programs

You probably know at least one couple that met online, but do you know any couples that got their divorce online?  It may sound strange, but a new program called Wevorce is attempting to corner the divorce market by offering a simplified online divorce solution that is cheaper than the in-person process. According to the […]